Amir receives golden key of Madrid

His Highness the Amir of State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Tuesday visited the Madrid City Hall in the Kingdom of Spain.
Mayor of Madrid Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida and a number of Spanish officials welcomed His Highness upon arrival. At the outset of the meeting, HH the Amir expressed his pleasure with visiting the City Hall and meeting the mayor, expressing his hope of further prosperity for Madrid.
For his part, Mayor Martinez-Almeida expressed his delight that Madrid welcomed HH the Amir during his state visit, in order to present His Highness with the Golden Key of Madrid as a token of gratitude and appreciation from the Spanish people to the Qatari people.
He added that Qatar has become an example to follow, and praised the friendly nature of bilateral ties between the two countries.
Afterwards, HH the Amir received the Golden Key of Madrid from Mayor Martinez-Almeida. His Highness was accompanied by members of the official delegation.