Amir’s visit to Turkey will further boost ties: Turkish Presidency

Director of Communications in the Turkish Presidency Fahrettin Altun has underlined the significance of His Highness the Amir of State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani’s visit to Turkey in further promoting the strong and strategic brotherly relations between the two countries.
Speaking to QNA, Altun said that at this critical period in which balance of powers are changing in the region, the visit of HH the Amir of Qatar to Turkey contributes to enhancing the influence of Qatar and Turkey in regional politics.
“We see that the visit is very important in terms of strengthening coordination and cooperation between Ankara and Doha. This visit also shows the consensus of countries’ positions on regional and global issues,” he added.
Altun underlined that the relations that his country has developed with Qatar in areas such as economy, security, diplomacy, culture, tourism and education have transformed the two countries’ strategic cooperation into a true brotherhood.
“The two countries have succeeded in overcoming the problems they faced in recent years through close cooperation as friends and brothers,” he said. He added that the decisions taken during these visits and its economic and political impacts have led tn development and consolidation of relations in all fields, including security, political, military, economic, investment, development and cultural in recent years.
He noted that his country’s relations with Qatar, which have deep-rooted friendship and brotherhood, are developing rapidly in all fields. The mutual visits give an important impetus to the bilateral relations, and there is also close cooperation and coordination between the two countries on regional issues, he added.
He explained that the relations between the two countries were strengthened with the establishment of the Qatar-Turkey Higher Strategic Committee in 2014. More than 80 cooperation agreements were signed in various fields. Mutual official visits and political consultations continue at the highest level between the two countries.
He added that the two countries have extraordinary relations of friendship and brotherhood as a result of the great rapprochement between the leaders and the two peoples, the common denominators, and the unlimited solidarity between them in times of crisis.
He stated that the two countries support dialogue, diplomacy and mediation efforts for the sake of security, stability and peace; noting that the meeting of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and HH the Amir puts lasting solutions to important issues and crises in the Middle East while drawing a vision for the future.
The importance of these talks becomes clearer in times of intense tension. In addition, the situation in the region also contributes to strengthening the economic, military and trade cooperation and coordination between the two sides.
Altun pointed to the opening of the new building of the Turkish Embassy in Doha in 2013, which he said opened a new era in the bilateral relations.
“In 2014, after his election, President Erdogan made his first visit to Qatar among the Arab countries. The relations between the two countries, which tend to institutionalize since 2014, have gained a quality that shapes regional politics today,” he said, adding that the relations between Turkey and Qatar, which have close views on regional and international issues, have gained momentum with the developments in the past twenty years.
Altun touched on the future of Turkish-Qatari relations, saying: “We can say that the relations between Qatar and Turkey are heading towards more strategic partnerships at the bilateral, regional and international levels, and that the Turkish-Qatari economic relations are in their golden age, and these relations are expanding to include new sectors and agreements.”
He added, “We aim to increase the volume of trade between the two countries to $5 billion. We also believe that it will be important for Qatar and Turkey to evaluate joint investment opportunities in third countries. There are cooperation opportunities between Turkey and Qatar in the areas of heavy industry, tourism development, agriculture and construction.”
“We believe that with the new cooperation that will be achieved, the economic cooperation between the two countries will move to new dimensions. Turkey and Qatar will always continue to work in coordination and cooperation, which will contribute positively to the economic relations between the two countries,” he continued.
In terms of the regional relations, He said that over the past twenty years, Turkey has made efforts to resolve disputes by peaceful means through all diplomatic efforts against all kinds of conflicts and crises in the region.
He added, “Our region has had its share of conflicts and strife for a long time. From now on, we need peace, calm and prosperity more than anything else.”
He noted that the Russian-Ukrainian war once again demonstrated the correctness and appropriateness of President Erdogan’s statement that “the world is greater than 5”, and revealed the reason for his search for a “more equitable world”.
He added: “Turkey, as a centre of stability in the face of this war, is one of the most important actors seeking to solve problems in the region,” noting that President Erdogan had held a close dialogue with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky since the beginning of the operation in order to resolve the crisis and ease tensions.
He added, “President Erdogan’s close dialogue with both Putin and Zelenskyy is an opportunity to resolve the crisis and ease tensions. Turkey will continue to play its role as a (stabilizing force) as it has done so far.” Altun stressed that Turkey considers the development of solutions to the refugee problem which was caused by the war in Ukraine and other current refugee crises, among the most important priorities in the international system.
“We care about the human tragedy and the refugee problem caused by the war in Ukraine, and we believe that an environment for a ceasefire must be established immediately, so that conflicts that lead to civilian casualties are stopped,” he said.
“I would like to emphasize once again that we have continued our diplomatic efforts relentlessly and tirelessly to end the war in Ukraine, and we will continue to do so until the end,” he added.
Altun underlined that this issue once again shows the existence of a common position between the two countries on regional and global crises. With Turkey and Qatar working in synergy and harmony in the Middle East, hope will increase for finding a solution to the long-standing conflicts in the region. He explained that Turkey’s military relations with Qatar should be seen as a proactive and reinforcing element in this regard.
He said, “There is continuous communication and coordination between Turkey and Qatar on many issues, especially political issues and the developments in the region, and the two countries have similar visions on many issues, especially Syria, Palestine and Libya.”
He stressed that the Turkish-Qatari relations are based on deep-rooted friendship and brotherhood, and the relations between the two countries are developing rapidly in all fields, adding that the mutual visits accelerate the development of these relations.
“We fully believe that the new agreements that will be reached will strengthen our joint relations, especially in light of the new initiatives and reconciliation steps in the region,” he continued.
Alton noted that the bilateral relations will certainly reflect on growth, peace and stability in the Gulf region and the Middle East. “Turkey and Qatar are two brotherly countries that care for each other in every difficult situation, and have strong relations at all levels,” he said.
“Turkey and Qatar, which have close historical and cultural relations, show exemplary cooperation in international issues, in addition to their bilateral relations… I am sure that this exemplary cooperation will extend to more areas in the coming period,” the official added.
Regarding Qatar’s organization of the FIFA World Cup, he said, “We are closely following the progress of organizing the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. We welcome the first World Cup to be held in an Islamic country, and we believe that this event, hosted by Qatar, will be successful, and the tournament will enhance Qatar’s position on the world sports map as a major destination for major sporting events.”
“Turkey has the experience of hosting international sporting events; that is why I would like to announce that we are ready to help in any way possible, and I am confident that Qatar will organize an exceptional tournament like never before,” he added.