About Company

NIMR Oil is a Qatari company established by the Al-Delaimi family, a leading industry player who has more than 30 years of oil and gas experience in both onshore and offshore fields. Al-Delaimi family has operated in Qatar for many years, evolving into one of the most diversified service providers in the region. NIMR Oil has been formed to provide Well Services to Qatar Energy and its partners in Qatar. The current focus is to provide well intervention services in the Qatari market and later target Friendly nations in the Gulf region, North Africa, Asia Pacific, CIS countries etc. The establishment of NIMR Oil has been propelled by demand envisaged from principal clients in Qatar in preparation for the Tawteen initiative. NIMR Oil focuses on providing various products and services to upstream, midstream and downstream segments.

NIMR Oil has been backed by 30 years of hands-on experience owning and operating a similar company. The owners successfully established a benchmark company that prioritises quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Management based on API/ISO standards. As a wholly-owned Qatari entity operating with good experience, the company has a strong understanding of the local market and a good relationship with IOCs and NOCs working in Qatar. Having already qualified by vital operating companies, NIMR Oil’s aggressive marketing strategy in the local market, along with its outstanding track record of delivering cost-effective services, positioned NIMR Oil to supply various Services for the Qatar market and neighbouring countries

Our Website: www.nimroil.com




Contact Details

Doha, Qatar