Qatar condemns assassination of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen by Israeli forces

Qatar has condemned in the strongest terms the assassination of Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Palestine Shireen Abu Akleh by the Israeli occupation forces near Jenin refugee camp and the injuring of the Al Jazeera producer journalist Ali Al Samudi.
Qatar termed the assault on journalists a heinous crime, a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and a blatant infringement on freedom of media and expression and the right of peoples to access information.
In a statement on Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to take urgent action to prevent the occupation authorities from committing further violations against the freedom of expression and information, and to take all measures to stop violence against Palestinians and media workers and protect them.
Journalists, media professionals and individuals who are engaged in dangerous professional missions in areas of armed conflicts are considered civilians by the international humanitarian law, and they should be respected and protected, the ministry said.
It also stressed the need to hold the occupation accountable for this horrific crime and bring those responsible to international justice.
The ministry emphasized that the escalation and measures taken by the Israeli occupation authorities constitute a serious threat to international efforts aimed at implementing the two-state solution, and impede the resumption of the peace process on the basis of international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.
It also reiterated Qatar’s firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people and the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
The ministry expressed the condolences of Qatar to Shireen Abu Akleh’s family, wishing journalist Ali Al Samudi a speedy recovery.