Qatar evaluating mediation to end war in Gaza, rejects attacks on its role: PM

 Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani affirmed Qatar’s refusal to abuse its role concerning the ongoing mediation efforts to end the war in the Gaza Strip, indicating that it is working to evaluate that mediation.

The prime minister said, during a joint press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey HE Hakan Fidan, on Wednesday, that the negotiations to cease fire and release prisoners and hostages are going through a sensitive and delicate stage, and that Qatar has been seeking since the first day of the war to stop the war and release the hostages.

“We have seen there is a misuse of this mediation and its exploitation for narrow political interests, which necessitated Qatar to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of this role,” he said.


The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs added: “We engaged in the mediation process from a humanitarian, patriotic and national standpoint to protect our Palestinian brothers, but unfortunately we see that there is great political bidding by some politicians with narrow interests, and marketing their election campaigns by insulting the role of the State of Qatar.


“It is unacceptable for something to be said to us in closed rooms, and outside of it, destructive statements are made that do not contribute positively. We are committed to our role from this humanitarian standpoint, but there are limits to this role and limits to the ability with which we can contribute to these negotiations in a way.”


During the press conference, Sheikh Mohammed indicated that his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey touched on the strategic partnership and relations between the two countries, stressing that this visit comes within the framework of continuous coordination between them on regional and international issues; it also comes in light of the escalation and sensitive circumstances that the region is going through.


He added that this visit constituted an opportunity to hold detailed consultations on the escalation in the region, pointing out the need for the parties to resort to reducing escalation, giving priority to the language of reason and dialogue, and resolving issues with logic and not with the language of weapons and violence was emphasized.


The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs explained that Qatar has made extensive contacts during the recent period with all parties to try to contain the escalation, saying: “Coordination between Qatar and Turkey is ongoing, and we appreciate and value the positions adopted by the sister Republic of Turkey, especially with regard to supporting the Palestinian brothers.”


Sheikh Mohammed added that he discussed with Fidan the latest developments in the war situation in the Gaza Strip, the humanitarian crisis that is worsening day after day, and the ongoing Israeli measures and attacks on the Palestinians in the West Bank.


The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed the need for the international community to live up to its responsibilities and put an end to the escalation and provocations carried out by the Israeli army against the Palestinian people.


During the joint press conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey said that this issue will remain open as long as there is no just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue, through the establishment of the Palestinian state in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.


The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that the meeting withthe Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey also dealt with consultation and coordination of humanitarian efforts with regard to relief for brothers in the Gaza Strip, and developments in the negotiation discussions on a ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners and hostages, stressing that Qatar continues its contacts and coordination with all brotherly and friendly countries in the context of putting an end to this crisis and this human suffering.


Sheikh Mohammed expressed his appreciation for the role played by the sister Republic of Turkey and its importance at this stage in the region, adding: “Today it is necessary for us to continue this coordination, and for it to achieve positive results for everyone.”


The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs said, “The State of Qatar affirmed its commitment from the beginning to contribute positively and constructively to the negotiation process and to try to bridge the gap between the parties, but the issue took many months and the differences were wide, and we were working closely with our partners in this mediation, including the United States of America and the Arab Republic of Egypt, to bridge this gap and present proposals on a constructive basis, but the role of the mediator is ultimately limited, and he cannot provide things that the parties themselves refrain from doing.”


In response to journalists’ questions regarding the recent escalation in the region, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs said that communication with Iran and the United States was ongoing and did not stop for a day, noting that before the recent escalation, Qatar conducted extensive contacts with both parties to urge them not to escalate, and contain this situation, especially since Qatar warned from the beginning about the impact of this war on the region.


He added: “We have seen tension take an escalating turn since the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus and the killing of several Iranian officials.”

He called on all parties to contain this situation and not let it get out of control.

“What we hear, at least up to this moment, from the parties is that no party intends for this conflict to expand.”


He also noted the communication between His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, the Arab countries and many countries in the region, stressing the importance of communication in this sensitive period, especially since what is happening now is happening within our region and near our country.



The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed the importance of intensive coordination between leaders to unify positions, especially since this war will carry risks and dangers that could expand throughout the entire region, which means that the best way to reduce escalation is to stop the war.


For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey affirmed his country’s support for the great efforts made by Qatar to achieve a ceasefire and bring peace to the Gaza Strip.


During the press conference, Fidan stressed Turkey’s continued support for the establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, established on the 1967 borders, and contributing to peace and the Palestinian people’s access to their rights, stressing that the recent events that the region has witnessed reinforce the importance of achieving unity between Palestinians and achieving just and lasting peace.


The Turkish Foreign Minister added that there is a joint coordination mechanism between Qatar and Turkey on the Palestinian file at the political and institutional levels, especially with regard to ceasefire efforts, the delivery of humanitarian aid, and achieving stability in the Gaza Strip.


He pointed out that his current visit to Qatar represented an opportunity to evaluate the joint steps that could be taken in the future to support the Palestinian cause and heal the wounds of the Palestinian people, warning that the continuation of crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip carries with it great risks that may lead to a regional conflict in the region. He added that the recent escalation witnessed in the region proved that the possibility of regional war is not far away.


During the press conference, the Turkish Foreign Minister stressed the need for Israel to implement the UN Security Council resolution regarding the ceasefire in Gaza, take the temporary measures approved by the International Court of Justice, achieve an urgent ceasefire and bring in humanitarian aid, in preparation for work on implementing the steps aimed at a two-state solution.


Regarding Qatari-Turkish relations, Fidan said that relations between the two countries have reached a high level during the past years, noting the institutional development of Qatari and Turkish relations.

He said: “There is a strategic goal for both sides to have the volume of trade exchange reach $5bn. During the current visit, the possibility of increasing cooperation between the two countries in the field of investment, tourism and energy was discussed further.”


The Turkish Foreign Minister pointed out that the Turkish National Assembly ratified last February the trade and economic partnership agreement between Qatar and Turkey, explaining that this would accelerate the achievement of goals in economic and trade relations between the two countries.


During the press conference, Fidannoted his country’s keenness to strengthen commercial and institutional relations with Qatar and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.