Qatar, Kuwait issue joint statement on the occasion of Kuwaiti Amir’s visit to Doha

Qatar and Kuwait issued a joint statement on the occasion of the visit of HH Amir of the sisterly State of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to Doha.


The statement said that based on the established historical ties and strong fraternal relations between the leaderships of the State of Qatar and the State of Kuwait and their brotherly peoples, and to further strengthen bilateral relations and the strategic partnership between them, HH Amir of the sisterly State of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah paid a state visit to the State of Qatar on February 20, 2024.


His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, HH Amir of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah held a session of official talks at the Amiri Diwan during which they discussed relations between the two brotherly countries and ways to further develop them in all fields, recalling the important and constructive role played by HH the late Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his efforts in this field.


HH Amir of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah also congratulated HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on the State of Qatar’s assumption of the presidency of the 44th session of the Supreme Council of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. HH Amir of the State of Kuwait renewed congratulations on the occasion of the Qatar national team’s victory in the 2023 Asian Football Cup that was held in Doha recently.



HH Amir of the State of Kuwait also praised the positive reactions to the Horticultural Doha 2023 Expo and the Qatari efforts that contributed to achieving its desired goals which will benefit the region and the world as a whole, wishing the State of Qatar every success in hosting regional and international events. HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani appreciated the constant support of the Government of the State of Kuwait to the success of the activities and events hosted by the State of Qatar.


The two sides praised the growth of trade relations and bilateral investments between the two countries as the volume of trade exchange between the State of Qatar and the State of Kuwait until October 2023 reached $1.94bn. They stressed the importance of expanding the horizons of cooperation and economic partnership between them, achieving integration between the opportunities available in both countries and exploring and developing economic opportunities in light of Qatar Vision 2030 and Kuwait Vision 2035.

The two sides welcomed Qatari and Kuwaiti investors and companies’ expansion of their business in the two countries and taking advantage of the opportunities available in the giant projects in all sectors.


The two sides also expressed their aspiration to the convening of the 6th session of the Qatar-Kuwait Joint Higher Cooperation Committee scheduled to be held this year in Doha, and to work on implementing the agreements, memorandums of understanding and joint programs that were agreed upon.


The two sides noted the close cooperation between them in political, military, security, economic, cultural, scientific and sports fields, and other areas of cooperation.

On the defence and security side, the two sides affirmed their keenness to strengthen defence cooperation in all fields and develop strategic relations and partnerships to protect the security and stability of the two countries and the region.


They praised the level of security cooperation and coordination existing between the two countries and stressed their desire to enhance cooperation in topics of common interest, including combating crimes in all its forms, combating drugs, border security, combating extremism, hate speech and terrorism, and spreading a culture of moderation and tolerance to achieve security and stability in the two brotherly countries.


The two sides discussed the progress of joint GCC cooperation and the outstanding achievements in meeting the aspirations of the citizens of the GCC countries towards greater interconnection, cooperation and integration. They stressed the importance of maintaining the cohesion, solidarity and unity of the GCC countries and intensifying efforts to complete the components of economic unity and the joint defence and security systems, in a way that guarantees the stability of the countries of the Council, strengthens its regional and international role, and achieves the lofty goals of this blessed system.


The two sides discussed the latest regional developments and their repercussions on inter-Arab relations, regional security and stability, and stressed the importance of the Republic of Iraq’s respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State of Kuwait and adherence to bilateral and international pledges and agreements and all relevant United Nations resolutions, especially Security Council Resolution No. 833 (1993) on the demarcation of the land and sea borders between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq, and the importance of completing the demarcation of the maritime borders between the two countries beyond maritime mark 162.


The two sides also stressed the importance of Iraq’s commitment to the agreement regulating maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah signed between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq on April 29, 2012, which entered into force on December 5, 2013 after its ratification by both countries, and was jointly deposited with the United Nations on December 18. 2013, and rejected the Iraqi side’s unilateral cancellation of the security swap protocol signed in 2008 and its map approved in the joint plan to ensure the safety of navigation in Khor Abdullah signed between the two sides on December 28, 2014, which included a clear and specific mechanism for amendment and cancellation.


The two sides also renewed support for Security Council Resolution No. 2107 (2013), which requests the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to strengthen, support and facilitate efforts related to searching for missing Kuwaitis and third-country nationals and determining their fate or returning their remains within the framework of the Tripartite Commission and the Committee.


The sub-technical committee emanating from it under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the return of Kuwaiti property, including the National Archives, and the importance of the Security Council’s continued follow-up of the file related to the issue of missing Kuwaitis and third-country nationals and the file of missing Kuwaiti property, including the National Archives, through the continued preparation of periodic reports. Presented by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the latest developments in these two files, and the efforts undertaken by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) in this regard, under paragraph four of Security Council resolution 2107 (2013), and calling on Iraq and the United Nations to make every effort to reach a solution. Final for all these unfinished issues and files.


The two sides also stressed that the entire Durra field is located in the marine areas of the State of Kuwait and that ownership of the natural resources in the submerged area adjacent to the Kuwaiti-Saudi divided zone, including the entire Durra field, is joint ownership between the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia only, and they alone have full rights. To exploit the natural resources in that area, in accordance with the provisions of international law and based on the agreements concluded and in force between them, and to affirm the categorical rejection of any claims of the existence of rights of any other party in this field or the submerged area adjacent to the area divided by its specific borders between the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


About regional affairs, the two sides discussed developments in the situation in Palestine and the occupied Arab territories and expressed their deep concern about the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip, and the brutal war the Strip is witnessing in which thousands of defenceless civilians, including children, women, and the elderly, were killed, and the destruction of vital installations, places of worship, and infrastructure as a result of the blatant attacks by Israel, the occupying power.


The two sides stressed the need for the international community, especially the Security Council, to assume its responsibilities to stop military operations in the Palestinian territories and protect civilians in accordance with international law and international humanitarian law, and called for pressure on Israel, the occupying power, to stop its aggression and prevent attempts to impose forced displacement on Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, which is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and international laws.


The two sides also stressed the need to enable international humanitarian organizations to carry out their tasks effectively in providing humanitarian and relief aid to the Palestinian people, including United Nations organizations.


The two sides stressed the need to intensify efforts to reach a comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian issue in accordance with the principle of the two-state solution, the Arab Peace Initiative, and the relevant international legitimacy resolutions, in a way that guarantees the Palestinian people their right to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.


The two sides also expressed their welcome of the decision of the International Court of Justice issued on January 26, 2024, to demand that the Israeli occupation take all the measures stipulated in the Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide against the Palestinian People.


The two sides also followed with great concern the decision of some countries to stop their aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), following the accusations levelled against members of the agency’s employees, emphasizing in this regard the important humanitarian and vital role that the agency plays in providing services and meet the basic needs of approximately 5.7 million Palestinian refugees.


The two sides also called on the international community to continue its support and assistance to the Palestinian refugees, especially in light of the continued aggression of the Israeli occupation against the Gaza Strip, and that suspending financial support will increase and exacerbate their suffering, renewing the two countries’ firm position in their support for the brotherly Palestinian people, including support for UNRWA and what this agency constitutes. It is a fundamental pillar of stability in the region and the importance of the noble work it does and the humanitarian services it provides to Palestinian refugees.


The Kuwaiti side also praised the Qatari mediation efforts made within the framework of maintaining international peace and security, especially with regard to the exchange of Palestinian prisoners and the introduction of relief aid into the Gaza Strip, and the role played by Doha in coordination with many brotherly and friendly countries, the most recent of which was Qatari-French coordination in January 2024 to bring medicines and medical equipment into the Gaza Strip, which is a focus of attention and appreciation for the State of Kuwait because it matches the Kuwaiti efforts made since the beginning of this aggression against the Gaza Strip, and is considered a continuation of the air bridge launched by Kuwait to the brothers in Gaza.


With regard to Yemen, the two sides stressed the importance of reaching a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis, in accordance with the three terms of reference, the Gulf Initiative and its implementation mechanisms, the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue, and Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 2216, expressing full support for the international and regional efforts by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the sisterly Sultanate of Oman, which aims to end the Yemeni crisis, in a way that achieves the aspirations of the Yemeni people for peace, stability and development.


Regarding navigation in the Red Sea, the two sides stressed the importance of maintaining the security and stability of the Red Sea region and respecting the right to maritime navigation in it in accordance with the provisions of international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in order to preserve the interests of the entire world.


At the conclusion of the visit, His Highness Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait expressed his thanks and appreciation to his brother, His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, for the good reception and generous hospitality received by His Highness and the accompanying delegation. His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani expressed his best wishes for good health and wellness to His Highness Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and for further progress and progress for the brotherly Kuwaiti people under the wise leadership of His Highness.